Andreas Groll

Prof. Dr. Andreas Groll

TU Dortmund University, Department of Statistics

The research group “Statistical Methods for Big Data” currently consists of Prof. Dr. Andreas Groll and 4 Ph.D. students. With regard to teaching, the group is mainly involved in the new study programs Bachelor & Master “Data Science”, as well as in the traditional study programs Bachelor & Master “Statistics”. With regard to research, the group focuses on the following fields:

  • Methods for Variable Selection and Regularization, in particular in Generalized Linear/Additive (Mixed) Models and Survival analysis

  • Categorical Data

  • Semiparametric Regression

  • Sports Analytics, in particular modeling and prediction of international sports tournaments and prediction of sports injuries

Regarding highlights related to the S-TRAINING, find here some of my current and upcoming sport analytics-related research projects:

  • Recently submitted: Grant proposal for a Marie Curie ITN

  • Ongoing: A cooperation with Borussia Dortmund on injury prevention (part of the submitted Marie Curie ITN proposal)

  • Ongoing: With Marius Ötting (Bielefeld University) we currently work on a regularized hidden Markov model for analyzing the “hot shoe” in football, using data on penalty kicks from the German Bundesliga

  • Ongoing: With my Ph.D. student Hendrik van der Wurp, we currently work on a Generalized Joint Regression framework for Count Data with a Focus on Modelling Football Matches

  • Ongoing: A book chapter entitled “Ranking and Prediction Models for Football Data” for Christophe Ley’s and Yves Dominicy’s book together with Gunther Schauberger (TU Munich) & Hans Van Eetvelde (Gent University)

  • Upcoming: Modeling and prediction of the UEFA Euro Championship 2020, using hybrid machine learning methods such as e.g. hierarchical boosting techniques

  • Ongoing: A risk factor analysis for the prevention of injuries based on data from several German ice hockey leagues in cooperation with Prof. Astrid Zech (Jena University)