Evert Verhagen

Prof. Dr. Evert Verhagen

Amsterdam UMC, Department of Public and Occupational Health

Amsterdam Movement Science Research Institute

Evert Verhagen (1976) is a human movement scientist and epidemiologist. He holds a University Research Chair as a full professor at the Department of Public and Occupational Health of the Amsterdam UMC and the Amsterdam Movement Science Research Institute. He is the Editor in Chief of BMJ Open Sports & Exercise Medicine, the director of the Amsterdam Collaboration on Health and Safety in Sports (one of the 11 IOC research centers), and director of the Amsterdam Institute of Sports Sciences (AISS). His research revolves around the prevention of sports and physical activity related injuries; including monitoring, cost-effectiveness and implementation issues. He supervises several (inter-)national PhDs and post-docs and has (co-) authored over 260 peer-reviewed publications around these topics.