Arthur Leroy

Dr. Arthur Leroy

Université de Paris - MAP5

Arthur Leroy is a temporary teacher and researcher at MAP5 - Université de Paris. His PhD work (2017-2020) under the supervision of Servane Gey (MAP5), Pierre Latouche (MAP5), and Benjamin Guedj (INRIA - UCL) focused on statistical learning methods applied to the problem of talent identification in elite sports. In particular, he proposes multi-task Gaussian processes models for functional data to perform curve clustering and predictions. He collaborates on this project with several french sports federations, by analyzing the performance curves of their young athletes. He also published other papers in collaboration with sport scientist colleagues, developing statistical methods to deal with sport-related problems. Besides, he is currently vice-president of the Statistique et Sport group in the french statistical society. He organized events and seminars on the subject of statistics in sports and gave several talks about it as well.