Christophe Ley

Prof. Dr. Christophe Ley

Ghent University, Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics

Christophe Ley is Professor of Mathematical Statistics at Ghent University since 2015. His research focusses on Mathematical Statistics, Data Science and Sport Analytics. He is Vice-President of ECAS, the European Association for Advanced Statistics Courses, Vice-President of the Luxembourg Statistical Society, Associate Editor of the journals Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics and Econometrics & Statistics, and has acted as Guest Editor for the journal Symmetry in 2019-2020. His achievements include the Marie-Jeanne Laurent Duhamel Prize of the Société Française de Statistique and an Elected Membership at the International Statistical Institute. His research group consists of 6 PhD students and 1 post-doc.

Within sport analytics, his research interests include modelling sports outcomes (especially in two-team or two-person sports), predicting match and competition outcomes, predicting injuries and detecting factors leading to injuries. Among others, he has contributed to sport analytics research via the following actions:

  • He recently submitted a grant application for a Marie Curie ITN

  • He is editing (together with Yves Dominicy) the forthcoming book “Science meets Sports: when Statistics are more than Numbers” with Cambridge Publishing Scholars.

  • He is organizing (with Andreas Groll) a Special Invited Session and a Contributed Session on Sport Analytics at CMStatistics 2020.

  • He is member of the Special Interest Group on Sport Statistics of the International Statistical Institute, of the BDSports group, and of the group “Statistique et Sports” of the Société Française de Statistique.

  • He was in the Scientific Program Committee of the workshop "Machine Learning and Data Mining for Sports Analytics" in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

  • He gave several talks on Sport Analytics, among which the Plenary Talk at the ASA conference in Brescia in 2019.