Ron Kenett

Prof. Dr. Ron Kenett

KPA Group, Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion, Haifa, Israel and University of Turin, Italy

Professor Ron Kenett is Chairman of the KPA Group, Israel, Senior Research Fellow at the Samuel Neaman Institute, Technion, Haifa, Israel. and Research Professor at the University of Turin, Italy is an applied statistician combining expertise in academic, consulting and business domains. Ron is Past President of the Israel Statistical Association (ISA) and of the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics (ENBIS). He authored and co-authored over 250 papers and 14 books on topics such as data science, industrial statistics, biostatistics, healthcare, customer surveys, multivariate quality control, risk management, system and software testing, and information quality. He is member of the of the executive academic council, Wingate academic college for sports education and member of the board of several start up companies. The KPA Group he founded in 1994, is a leading Israeli firm focused on generating insights through analytics. He is editor in chief of Wiley’s StatsRef, serves on the editorial board of several international journals and was awarded the 2013 Greenfield Medal by the Royal Statistical Society and, in 2018, the Box Medal by the European Network for Business and Industrial Statistics. Ron holds a BSc in Mathematics (with first class honors) from Imperial College, London University and a PhD in Mathematics from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.